Women's Health Physiotherapy

Urinary incontinence related to childbirth

Around 1 in 3 women develop urinary incontinence during pregnancy (CSP, 2014). It can be related to the pregnancy: due to the increasing weight of the baby during development and hormonal changes that make muscles and ligaments more stretchy, or  due to delivery.  For many women, this problem can continue long into the postnatal period.  Some women don’t seek help until their children are grown. By this time they have suffered in silence for many years and symptoms have had a massive impact on their quality of life

Mail Online article giving one woman’s experience

Pelvic floor exercises really help!

You don’t need to suffer alone and for a significant number of women treatment can either cure, or significantly improve symptoms.

NICE guidelines recommend that women should do pelvic floor muscle training during their first and subsequent pregnancies. Supervised pelvic floor exercise is the recommended first-line treatment for urinary incontinence. This is something that Physiotherapy and Midwifery organisations have got together to promote (CSP/RCM 2013).

Being referred, or referring yourself to a specialist women’s health physiotherapist can make all the difference. This segment of Women’s Hour discusses the issue:

BBC Women’s Hour

Women’s Health Physiotherapy

If you do feel embarrassed to talk to family, friends or GP’s then speak directly to a specialist women’s health physiotherapist. They can be found via the POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Organisation):

POGP Information for Patients

Don’t let embarrassment, or lack of time stand in the way.  If you are ready to take action, contact me, or another specialist physiotherapist today.

Further information on this and other women’s health physiotherapy topics can be found on my webpage at:

Carolyn’s webpage


The Treatment Space